Developing as a Photographer ;)

 “A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away” — Eudora Welty

For me, photography is a visual version of storytelling. I love images and what they reveal, hide or suggest. I love images that are funny, serious, sad or beautiful. I have always loved photography, just like writing. My mum loved it too - she loved capturing all the moments she spent with her family. All the milestones, all the silly fun. She was an amateur, but she had a pretty good eye. For her it was more about preserving the memory, rather than the art of it. She gave me my first camera and let me experiment. I couldn’t wait until we picked up our latest rolls of film developed at the drug store, after we’d spent a family weekend at our cabin at the lake. We would laugh at the ones that didn’t turn out, but she kept them anyway. All the birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, long weekends, house projects, pets — albums full of memories. After she passed away, I now have the multitude of albums, trying to figure how to preserve and share these precious parts of our history with my cousins.

Photography was another passion I shelved when life got busy in the time between high school and career. The spark reignited around when my husband and I got married and got our first house. Then it went wild when our daughter and son were born, and I’ve been experimenting, learning and growing ever since. As with the writing, I have taken several courses and workshops (the National Geographic Photo workshop to Washington was amazing!!) to improve my craft. I have had incredible opportunities to watch other photographers work, especially when my teen daughter got into modelling and pageantry. Many professionals are gracious enough to describe what they are doing as they do it - such valuable insight and creativity. Each photographer has such an individual and artistic skill that there are always fascinating bits to learn.

The majority of my photography is about my family, but I love to try all kinds of things. My daughter is always a willing model to try creative shoots. Both kids are avid athletes (swimming, running, track & field, tae kwon-do, archery) and indulge me in my sports shots. My camera is my constant companion when we travel, I shoot whatever and whenever I can. Many of my best shots come from the wildlife and plant diversity just around our acreage. So much fun trying to capture that great animal shot (also a lot of missed ones!!). I am always looking to improve and try new things.

So as part of my After 50 self-reinvention, I am striving to enhance my photography craft. I’d like to share that process here with you :)

The sunsets on our acreage are often spectacular no matter what the season

The sunsets on our acreage are often spectacular no matter what the season